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I'm super excited to be connected here. This community is a dream I've had for years.
It's been an incredible journey to becoming a Doctor of Divinity and a world-renowned thought leader. I am committed to helping you become your highest self and manifesting your dreams.
Join my life-changing membership to get coached or join my certification program to become a coach.
Get certified as a SPPC & E4 Trauma Method® quantum healing & manifesting facilitator; bridging science, spirituality, & psychology.
My life wasn't always this powerful...
Years ago, I was emotionally broken after having multiple traumas and recovering from a dysfunctional upbringing, rape in high school, bulimia, codependency, and heartbreak from having a full-term stillborn son. I have been on an intense journey of seeking truth for 28 years, working with top celebrities, CEOs, and developing people just like you.
Today, I am emotionally, spiritually, & financially free!
My greatest passion is to help people end their suffering and rediscover from their true identity and divinity. Our mission is to awaken a billion people by transforming countless lives.
May you live your truth!
Doctor of Divinity, Founder of Soulciété Community & Spiritual Psychology School, Creator of E4 Method®, Master Manifesting Mentor, International Best-Selling Author, Top-Rated Podcast, Self-Made Millionaire, Walden Wisdom Award Next To Oprah, and Mother. @ErinFallHaskell @Soulciete
Your Community to Discover Your Soul's Purpose, Launch Your Business, & Make an Impact
Become an SPS Certified Spiritual Psychology Practitioner Coach & E4 Trauma Method® Quantum Healing & Manifesting.
Master every area of your life and get trained to coach your clients through anything. Bonus: Learn the business of coaching.
BECOME AN CERTIFIED PRACTITIONERWelcome to The Dr. Erin Show. This is a top spiritual psychology coach podcast to inspire and teach you how to manifest your highest-self. Learn to reprogram your subconscious mind, transform your trauma, & birth your soul’s purpose.
Hi, I’m Dr. Erin, a doctor of divinity, I’m committed to bringing you the best coaching tips, spiritual advice, trauma healing, and metaphysical recovery secrets. I’m here to help you monetize your spiritual gifts and love your life. I want you to know that I’ve been exactly where you are, and I believe in you. You are not alone.
LISTEN ON ITUNES LISTEN ON SPOTIFY LISTEN ON GOOGLE- Niyc Pidgeon, Multi 8-Figures Personal & Client Sales, Best-Selling Hay House Author.
“I had the most incredible week for my business hitting a new milestone and selling almost all VIP spots but 2 in next year’s women’s retreat. I have 4 soul sales calls lined up for next week!" - Porscha
“This program helped me work on my belief, deeper connection to my message, mission, and it helped me to heal old trauma to unleash my own potential and become the embodiment of the result my program creates!
Fully empowered in my skill set and mindset to take my story out to the world and have it be my greatest power to living out my Soul Goal!"
- Claire, Coach Certification
“Dr. Erin's e4 Trauma Method® is incredible! Doing my inner work allowed me to gain clarity, confidence, and become crystal clear about my purpose. I've 10X my spiritual coaching business since I joined Soulciété." - Amy
“I hit 10k plus and it's only mid-month. I have calls set up all next week and my goal is 20k. The e4 Trauma Method™ has taken my coaching to another level. Thank you thank you thank you Dr. Erin. You and your leadership program and coaching certification is what I've been searching for for a very long time!" - Karli
"I realize I was missing ONE thing in my business and it was incorporating subconscious spirituality. When I first met Erin, she just knew and told me, 'You came into this world to heal family lineage for women of color, but in order to do that you need to tap into your gifts.' I cried because I knew she was right. I was feeling stuck and I knew it wasn't learning a new model or structure. It was tapping into my subconscious. I was scaling fast, but there was something holding me back and it was learning more about my subconscious. As a result, in only one month I have generated $32k in sales.
More than the income, I am making a real impact. I am incorporating spirituality as the foundation in my business and it has tremendously helped my own clients get amazing results. Erin was my missing link to scale." - Elaine
“Erin Fall Haskell is nothing short of a miracle worker. We connected the very first time we met and knew we would work together. My experience with Erin unlocked many answers for me in my life purpose, my relationship with myself and my business. She’s an absolute superstar. If you get the opportunity to work with this woman - seriously, realize that the reason you are in front of each other is that it’s Divine timing and meant for you, and also, run with it. You will cherish the time you spend together. Erin is now firmly in my tribe and I in hers. It's aligned, it’s a no-brainer! Just do it." - Andrea
I had been trying to launch my own business for the past 3 years. I had a huge block which seemed to be some pretty big fears that I just couldn’t seem to push through.
Literally, the day that I joined Soulciete… I felt something shift.
I received an e4 session and truly let a huge block that was holding me back go!
I launched my group coaching business... I HAD 10 WOMEN SIGNED UP!!!!
I figured out the numbers and so far this year, I have made $30, 267… which pans out to 10k months, every month since I joined. - Kara
“I quadrupled my coaching income the first month with the E4 Trauma Method®. Now, I am in my fourth month of over $10k, signed a book contract, have a full calendar of clients, and feel ten years younger. Through the E4 Trauma Method™, I've been able to access the traumatic events not only in my own life, but in the life of my clients. E4 Trauma Method™ is truly changing the global consciousness in a very tangible way!" - Hillary
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*All results stated above are not typical, and do not imply you'll have the same success.
Disclaimers: Please, seek medical advice prior to doing the E4 Trauma Method®. Seek professional help for PTSD, addiction, or mental disorders. No one within our community ever has to do the E4 Trauma Method®, use your own discretion. New Thought Global and Soulciete, and Dr. Erin are not responsible for independent contractors practices or actions. Dr. Erin is not a therapist or a psychologist. Our certifications do not make you a psychologist, we certify spiritual psychology practitioner coaches & E4 Trauma Method® Facilitators. Read Terms.
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